Production plant, PET, PA & Biopolymers – Germany
Supply equipment, technology, general contractor EPC- Germany
Nhà máy sản xuất, PET, PA & Biopolymers – Germany
Cung cấp thiết bị, công nghệ, tổng thầu EPC - Germany
PET, PA & Biopolymers
Polycondensation Technology by Uhde Inventa-Fischer (UIF)
Polycondensation Technology UIF provides our state-of-the-art polycondensation technology for the production of various types of polyesters, polyamides and biopolymers such as policytic acid with high to medium viscosity grades.

These techniques are based on the knowledge of Uhde Inventa-Fischer, the technical experience gained in building more than 450 polymer plants worldwide since 1924 and through in-depth research and development with Working closely with prominent scientific and industrial partners.

Polycondensation Technology UIF has successfully established a wide range of patented technologies and processes in the global market. Our customers can take advantage of these technologies to gain competitive advantage with their competitors.

UIF Polycondensation Technology, is a business division of the electrolysis and polymer of thyssenkrupp industrial solutions, located in Berlin, Germany and Domat / Ems, Switzerland. There are approximately 150 professionals and experts in the field of professional project implementation, from plant technology to providing exclusive equipment and equipment only for procurement and construction services. EPC turnkey project, in close cooperation with local organizations of thyssenkrupp industrial solution.