Glucose, (Glucose, Mantose, Mantodextrin) - China
Equipment and technology - China

Factory - Changzhou, Shandong - Supplying equipment and technology
Brief introduction
Use different types of refined starches, such as corn starch, wheat starch or cassava, as raw material to make malt dextrin or glucose by acid hydrolysis or hydrolysis.
Acid hydrolysis easily produces some coloring matter or non-fermenting sugars, due to adverse effects, in practice this method is stopped. We provide enzymes for enzyme hydrolysis to produce glucose or malt dextrin.
Theoretically, when the DE value is less than 20%, that is, reducing sugar by less than 20%, it is called malt dextrin. But in everyday use, the separation is not clear.
Features & Apps. Liquefied
Glucose amylase used for traying is exoenzyme, hydrolysis from substrate molecules is not reduced. To increase the chances of maltogenic amylase, accelerate the reaction of saccharification, it is necessary to use a-amylase to make glucose molecular sugar molecules into maltodextrin and sugar combinations. But the crystalline structure of starch granules has a strong resistance to enzymes.
(i). Gelatinization and aging
If the starch milk is heated at a certain temperature, the starch granules begin to expand, the polarity decimal disappears. At higher temperatures, the starch granules continue to expand to several times greater or greater than the original mass. When the grain is spent, the crystal structure disappears, the volume expands, the seed contact with each other, becomes liquid gelatin. Even stopped stirring, starch is no longer deposited, this phenomenon is known as gelatinization. The sticky liquid is called paste, the current temperature is the gelatinization temperature.
(ii) liquefied petroleum gas
Liquids have a variety of methods, ideally in the form of jet lag, under different manufacturing conditions, when the vapor pressure is> 0.8 MPa, selective high pressure steam The When the vapor pressure is ~ 0.5Mpa, select the low-pressure evaporator, the jet liquefaction is divided into enzymatic processes once and twice the enzyme technology.
ii. Desalination
When the liquefier finishes, quickly adjust the solution from ^ PH to 4.2M.5, simultaneously cool down to 60 ° C, then add the saccharifying enzyme, keep the temperature 60 ° C. Hold the agitator to prevent After the test with alcohol and found that without maltodextrin, adjust the PH value to 4.8-5.0 and heat the solution to 80 ° C, keeping the temperature for 20 minutes, filtered. Store the liquid in the filter solution in a container, keeping the temperature above 60 ° C for further use.

iii. Filter
After starch saccharification, DE can be up to 98% (varies according to customer requirements and configurations), but starch hydrolysates, it also has insoluble impurities and ash, fat, protein and So, while in the hydrolysis procedure, adding some impurities, if we add acid, can carry inorganic salts, enzymes, protein carriers, during decomposition, producing amylose and Oligose, resulting in 5-HMF in secondary reactions and other colorful materials ... are refined, thus improving sugar quality and finished product quality. Therefore, after the trays, need to filter.
iv. Discard
Separation of the saccharified liquid of the enzyme method is usually to adjust the pH of about 4.8, the enzyme is the protein itself, the PH of the solution is near the isoelectric point protein, there are many suspensions, many factories first use Vacuum filters, which are made of diatomite coatings, or add activated carbon filters that are used to remove proteins, fats and impurities, then do decoloring. The color of the liquid is saccharified with the enzymatic method is light, we usually use twice decoloring with activated carbon, and then do Iron Exchange (IX). Or sometimes do not use activated carbon to decoloring, but empty the filter directly and then go for Iron Exchange.
iii. Filter
After starch saccharification, DE can be up to 98% (varies according to customer requirements and configurations), but starch hydrolysates, it also has insoluble impurities and ash, fat, protein and So, in the hydrolysis procedure, we add acid, can carry inorganic salts, enzymes, protein carriers, during decomposition, producing amylose and Oligose, resulting in 5-HMF in secondary reactions and other colorful materials ... are refined, thus improving sugar quality and finished quality product. Dẫn, sau khi trays, cần thiết.
iv. Discard
Separation of the saccharified liquid of the enzyme method is usually to adjust the pH of about 4.8, the enzyme is the protein itself, the PH of the solution is near the isoelectric point of the protein, which are made of diatomite coatings, or add activated carbon filters that are used to remove proteins, fats and impurities, then to decoloring. The color of the liquid is saccharified with the enzymatic method is light, usually used twice decoloring with activated carbon, and then to Iron Exchange (IX). Or sometimes do not use activated carbon to decolorize, but empty the filter directly and then go for Iron Exchange.
viii.Separation and drying
Crystallization is the process by which a liquid becomes solid and separates the solid. It is also the most important method for obtaining purity. Crystal process is the most important process in the process of crystal glucose. It directly affects product quality and output.
There are different types of crystallization for glucose. This process is very complex, mainly related to product quality and product yield. Here to describe the process as follows:
(i) Separation
After crystallization, crystalline and crystalline liquid crystals (often called mother liquor or green liquor) should be separated from the parent liquor by centrifugal separation.
Transfer the liquid mixture and then circulate it by centrifugal force, then the crystal is thrown from the mother liquor into the basket and discharged.
(ii). Drying
Road driers include drier driers, air driersand fluidized bed driers, etc. Some plants are using spray driers to dry the concentrated glucose solution directly into the powder.
Empty drum is rotating drum with a stepless drum with slope, glucx> can be added from one side, it flows slowly in the barrel of about 5r / min, such as drier drum 1000 * 5000mm, there is Capacity around 10t / d.
The air dryer is the most common glucose dryer, including air heater, air blower, air duct, and cyclone. Separated glucose concentrations should be reduced first, then given by hot airflow.
ix. Maltodextrin production
Maltodextrin is divided into three main categories:
MD100: DE value,% (m / m) less than 10
MD150: DE value,% (m / m) less than 15
MD200: DE value,% (m / m) less than 20
Đặc điểm kỹ thuật | GLU-1000 | GLU-2000 | GLU-3000 | GLU-5000 | GLU-8000 | GLU-10000 |
Ngõ ra định mức (kg / h) | 1.000 | 2.000 | 3.0000 | 5.000 | 8.000 | 10.000 |
Sản lượng hàng năm (8000H / Y) (Tấn / Y) | 8.000 | 16.000 | 24.000 | 40.000 | 64.000 | 80.000 |
Diện tích yêu cầu (m2) | 300-400 | 450-550 | 500-600 | 600-700 | 800-900 | 950-1.050 |
Tỷ lệ thu thập sản phẩm | 98-99.5% (Phụ thuộc vào đặc điểm kỹ thuật, URS và các thông số kỹ thuật) |
Hàm lượng độ ẩm cuối cùng (%) | ^ 3% (Phụ thuộc vào URS) |
Mật độ lớn của sản phẩm (Kg / L) | 0.45-0.55 (Phụ thuộc vào cấu hình, đặc tả và các tham số chế biến) |
Nhiệt độ xả (° C) | 35-45 ° (Phụ thuộc vào cấu hình và URS) |
Nhiên liệu | Bất kỳ nhiên liệu nào, chẳng hạn như khí đốt, LPG, dầu, than vv, hoặc nhiên liệu rắn khác, chẳng hạn như thân vỏ, vỏ dừa, và chip gỗ, vv |
Factory - Ha Nam - Supplying equipment and technology
Starch sugar production line
All starches are processed with corn starch with an acid or enzyme. Liquid products are maltose, glucose syrup, syrup fructose; Solid products are dextrose monohydrate, anhydrous dextrose, crystalline fructose, maltodextrin, etc. They are mainly used as a sweetener in the food industry. Dextrose anhydrous can be used as an injection, medium capsule, sweetener for syrup. Glucose and maltose can produce sorbitol and maltitol after hydrogenation, used in food and toothpaste to prevent decay. In addition, polyols can lead corn sugar products into the field of petroleum.

For the technology of producing starch glucose, we can use not only all kinds of starches as ingredients for the production of starch glyo, but also, corn starch, rice flour, broken rice powder as raw material. to produce glucose syrup etc. new technology of sugar production line starch

Starch sugar syrup production line
New technology description of the starch sugar production line:
1. Old technology to pre-starch, new technology needs to make corn flour or rice flour before;
2. Continuous disturbance, mainly used to alter starch content within rice flour to make it pure syrup.
3. Filter, It will be used to separate protein or gluten, gluten will be the best additive for animal feed,
Saccharification section, by adding the saccharification enzyme, will convert the original syrup to syrup glucose, but at this time, the syrup is stained and contaminated. So we need to remove color.
Decolorization - Use carbon actice to remove color
6. Filter section - Use the filter to separate the activated carbon
Ion Exchange - Plastic to absorb impurities.
8. Evaporation section - By evaporation, the microprocessor can obtain the final syrup glucose with the required density
9. Store pure glucose

Factory - Gang - Supply equipment and technology
Glucose Production Line, Maltose and Maltodextrin
Ⅰ. Brief introduction
Use different types of refined starches, such as corn starch, wheat starch or cassava, as raw material to make malt dextrin or glucose by acid hydrolysis or hydrolysis.
Acid hydrolysis easily produces some coloring matter or non-fermenting sugars, due to adverse effects, in practice this method is stopped. We provide enzymes for enzyme hydrolysis to produce glucose or malt dextrin.
Theoretically, when the DE value is less than 20%, that is, reducing sugar by less than 20%, it is called malt dextrin. But in everyday use, the separation is not clear.
Ⅱ. Describe the process
Ⅰ. Liquefied
Glucose amylase used for traying is exoenzyme, hydrolysis from substrate molecules is not reduced. To increase the chances of maltogenic amylase, accelerate the reaction of saccharification, it is necessary to use α-amylase to make glucose molecules dissolve glucose into maltodextrin and glucose. But the crystalline structure of starch granules has a strong resistance to enzymes. For example, the rate of speed between the a-amylase hydrolysates and the hydrolysed starch is 1: 2000. Therefore, amylase does not allow direct activity on starch, therefore powdered milk needs to be baked. heat first, then hydrate and hatch, past and destroy their crystal structure.

(Ⅰ). Gelatinization and aging
If the starch milk is heated at a certain temperature, the starch granules begin to expand, the polarity decimal disappears. At higher temperatures, the starch granules continue to expand to several times greater or greater than the original mass. When the grain is spent, the crystal structure disappears, the volume expands, the seed contact with each other, becomes liquid gelatin. Even stopped stirring, starch is no longer deposited, this phenomenon is known as gelatinization. The sticky liquid is called paste, the current temperature is the gelatinization temperature.
Age-aging starch is actually a gelatinized molecular-bonded hydrogen bond that has been broken down and rearranged to form a new hydrogen bonding process that is a complex crystallization process.
(Ⅱ). Liquefied
Liquids have many methods, the most ideal is the jet evaporation, from the production conditions of different plants, when the vapor pressure ≥0,0Mpa, choose the high-pressure liquid evaporation process; When the vapor pressure ≤ 0.5Mpa, choose the low-pressure liquid jet, jet liquefaction is divided into one-time and two-fold enzyme plus enzyme technology.
If you produce glucose and fructose syrup, take potatoes as a raw material for processing enzymes. Take corn starch, if good quality starch (protein ≤0.3%), think of adding a time enzyme, easy, saves steam, light liquid color applied to an enzyme. If the starch of corn or wheat is low in quality (protein> 0.6-1.0%), add this powder, it is easy to aging and easy to produce insoluble starch, so the protein content in the material must be high and applied to two times plus enzyme, can be completely liquefied.
Ⅱ. Desalination
When the liquefier finishes, rapidly adjust the PH of the solution to 4.2 ~ 4.5, simultaneously cooling down to 60ºC, then adding the saccharifying enzyme, keeping the temperature at 60 ºC. Keep the agitator to avoid unevenness, after reaction, After checking with anhydrous alcohol and see no maltodextrin, adjust the PH value to 4.8-5.0, and heat the solution to 80 o C, keeping the heat Filter for 20 minutes, then filter. Store the liquid in the filter solution in a container, keeping the temperature above 60 ° C for further use.
Ⅲ. Filter
After starch saccharification, DE can be up to 98% (varies according to customer requirements and configurations), but starch hydrolysates, it also has insoluble impurities and ash, fat, protein and So, while in the hydrolysis procedure, add some impurities, if we add acid, can carry inorganic salts, enzyme additions, protein carriers, during the decomposition, creating amylose and oligose , resulting in 5-HMF in secondary and other colorful materials and as such, they need to be refined, to improve the quality of the sugar and the quality of the finished product. So after saccharifying, it is necessary to do filtration.
After checking with anhydrous alcohol and found that there is no maltodextrin, Saccharifying stop, adjust PH4.2 ~ 4.5 to 4.8 ~ 5.0, and heat up to 80ºC, hold for 20 minutes, then start filtering. There are many different ways of filtration: plate and mold press filter, rotary vacuum filter, diaphragm filter, centrifuge etc ... Balance the operating cost, investment and quality of the product, we usually Use the mold and plate filter.
Ⅳ. Discard
Separation of the saccharified liquid of the enzyme method is usually to adjust the pH of about 4.8, the enzyme is the protein itself, the PH of the solution is near the isoelectric point protein, there are many suspensions, many factories first use Vacuum filters, which are made of diatomite coatings, or add activated carbon filters that are used to remove proteins, fats and impurities, then do decoloring. The color of the liquid is saccharified with the enzymatic method is light, we usually use twice decoloring with activated carbon, and then do Iron Exchange (IX). Or sometimes do not use activated carbon to decoloring, but empty the filter directly and then go for Iron Exchange.
In our process, decoloring is mainly made of plate and frame filter press. To improve the level of automatic control and operating environment, some Western manufacturers use a candle filter, including multiple filters or filter sticks, such as the DDS Filter (increase in thickness). is a container of cylinders or sealed containers, inside which has a microfilter, made by spirit or ethylene. Before filtration, the liquid is pumped from the bottom of the filter. Impurities in the filter, the filtered liquid is ejected from the top filter. When the filter speed is low, stop filtering, rinse and then start refining.
Ⅴ. Ion Exchange (IX)
With ion exchanges on functional groups fixed on the skeleton of the three-dimensional network, changes in ionic concentrations and other environmental conditions, so that it can repeat the reversible exchange with the external ion, and makes ion separation, displacement, concentration, impurity removal and chemical catalytic purposes.
The plastic ion exchange resin skeleton is fixed, the reversible swap is only made on functional groups, so it can be renewed and used thousands of times. But there is material loss as they get older. The difference between ion exchange and other substances is whether the ion exchange can be extended several times, the long use time, to simplify the production process, shorten the production time, improve the quality. product, increase efficiency and reduce costs.
After exchange, the resin is changed to sodium, and the exchange of resin takes place. If resin is placed in a strong acid solution (about 5%), such as hydrochloric acid, then the concentration of hydrogen ions is high. Because of the difference of concentration, it is easy to exchange the resin sodium into hydrogen ions, restore the exchange capacity, this is the process of reconstruction.
Ⅵ. Evaporation and concentration
Depending on processing requirements and technology, there are many different types of centrifuges, such as evaporation or batch evaporation, once evaporated or evaporated several times. There are two types of evaporation.
The traditional type consists of two evaporators: a multi-effects evaporator (usually 3 or 4) and a single evaporator. Many factories are using two evaporators, the first evaporator concentrates the diluted glucose solution to 45-60 oz. With three or four evaporative effects, and then using a flying device Vapor effect only to make the solution 72-85 o bx. In evaporator only effect, feeding may be continuous, but must be mass-discharge.
We are using one evaporate these days. It works very well with glucose by the enzyme method, and can make the final product up to 85 oz or even higher. Initial solution of the enzyme method is usually about 35 o bx. Energy consumption is much lower than traditional process.
Ⅶ. Crystallize
Crystallization is the process by which a liquid becomes solid and separates the solid. It is also the most important method for obtaining purity. Crystal process is the most important process in the process of crystal glucose. It directly affects product quality and output.
There are many different crystalline forms for glucose. This process is very complex, mainly related to product quality and product yield. Here to describe the process as follows:
(1) a crystallization process
The liquid is crystallized directly after the concentration, and then discharged directly into the mother liquor without circulation. Equipment of this process is simple, and the product quality is good, but the product yield is low, normal, only about 50%. It applies to mills using parent liquor for other applications.
Sometimes, we circulate the mother liquor to increase productivity by about 80%, but the quality of the product is not very good.
(2) twice the crystallization process
In this process, most of the mother liquor from the product separation will return to crystallization first after decoloring and the Iron Exchange process. The wet post-separation crystals are only used as secondary crystallization materials or for industrial applications.
The mother liquor is mainly reused, so the quality from the first crystallization is very poor. But from all systems, the end product is from secondary crystallization, much better quality. Most of the materials are recovered and the product yield is high. This is the most important process for producing glucose for pharmaceutical applications.
(3) anhydrous glucose production line
This process is a two-fold crystallization process specialized in the production of anhydrous glucose. The quality of the product is very high. A portion of the mother liquor is used to produce low-quality glucose, or is used for other applications.
Ⅷ. Split and dry
(1) Separation
After crystallization, crystalline and crystalline liquid crystals (often called mother liquor or green liquor) should be separated from the parent liquor by centrifugal separation.
Transfer the liquid mixture and then circulate it by centrifugal force, then the crystal is thrown from the mother liquor into the basket and discharged.
(2) drying
Road driers include drier driers, air driersand fluidized bed driers, etc. Some plants are using spray driers to dry the concentrated glucose solution directly into the powder.
Empty drum is rotary drum with slope drum, can add glucose on one side, it flows slowly in the barrel about 5r / min, such as drum 1000 * 5000mm with a capacity of about 10 tons / minute d.
The air dryer is the most common glucose dryer, including air heaters, air blowers, air ducts, and cyclones. The amount of glucose extracted should fall first, followed by the flow of hot air. In the air flow dryer, the air inlet temperature is about 70-75ºC, while the exhaust temperature is about 30 ~ 35ºC, and the air flow rate is about 20m / s. Assuming the diameter of the gas pipe is 400mm, the length is 18m, the air velocity is 8000m 3 / h, the air pressure is 4900Mpa (500mmH 2 O), the production capacity is about 10t / h.
Fluidized bed dryer is an air flow dryer. Melted air from the small holes at the bottom of the liquid layer, so glucose on the punched plate is boiled. Airflow absorbs moisture, separates the essence of the storm, and is exhausted. The products are then dried. In order to ensure product quality, it is necessary to supplement the air-conditioning equipment in the second section, thus reducing the temperature of the dried glucose. Best to achieve a few degrees above room temperature. Then there is no cake after packing. Make sure the cold air is dehydrated, so dry glucose will not absorb moisture from the air.
Dry spray is not common to sugar process. The product is very sticky, so the bog cloth filter can not work. The product is also very good, the collection rate of the storm is relatively low. Anyway, we have made some special designs to increase the performance. Even spray dryers are not recommended, but if customers prefer to use spray dryers, or just spray dryer requirements, we can also design special.
The drying section is a very important part of the production line. All product contact parts and air handling units must be made of quality stainless steel, and all incoming air must be cleaned to a high level.
Ⅸ. Maltodextrin production
Maltodextrin is divided into three main categories:
MD100: DE value,% (m / m) ≤10
MD150: DE value,% (m / m) ≤15
MD200: DE value,% (m / m) ≤20
(MD stands for maltodextrin).
There are three main characteristics for determining the quality of maltodextrin:
Appearance: white or very light yellow powder, no visible impurities.
Odor: has a special smell of malt dextrin, no strange smell.
Taste: not sweet or light sweet, odorless, no other flavor.
We use specially designed sprayers after concentrating on maltodextrin products. Our special design saves working space, increases heating efficiency, cleans up easily, and investing in workshops is low.
Ⅹ. WIP (laundry spot)
Different levels of WIP systems are available upon request
Ⅲ. The special features of our design
Compared with traditional technology still offered by many suppliers around the world, our designs have the following special features:
1. Dose and deactivate enzyme: A traditional enzyme when the dosing process produces more oligo, the insoluble components more. We are using twice to improve product quality.
Compared with conventional processes, our design of enzyme inactivation enzymes is very good for protein solidification and evenly dispersed starch.
2. Pressure Cooker: Easy control and low vapor pressure are the special features of our design.
Instead of controlling the steam pressure, we are using liquid levels to control the cooking process. It is difficult to keep the supply pressure steady, while the simplest way to control fluid levels.
We have two types of jet engine for optional: low pressure cooker and high pressure cooker. With the low pressure cooker, the required steam pressure is only about 2 watts. So very easy to use waste steam. Even for high pressure jet presses, the required vapor pressure is also quite low compared to conventional technology: we are using 6bar while traditional technology usually requires more than 10bar.
3. Liquid: Multi-layer tanks ensure uniformity of uniform temperature and time. This is very good for the next process, saccharifying.
4. Concentration: An evaporator that achieves high brix levels, low vapor pressure requirements and energy savings are key features of our process.
When the product requires a high brix level, traditional technology includes one of three or four evaporative drop film effects and a single effect vapor. The problem is that the amount of steam consumed by the single evaporator is very high, and the product quality is low. We are using a evaporator that has 4 or 5 effects, sometimes 6 effects to make the final product of 85 brix or even higher.
The evaporation pressure required for traditional multipurpose evaporators is usually more than 6bars, while we are using less than 3bars, even slightly 1.5bars can operate.
Our designs also focus on energy saving. With 5 evaporative effects, it only consumes about 0.15kg of steam to evaporate 1kg of water.
5. Our filtering and decoding arrangement is specially designed, so have very clear product.
6. Fragrance is provided after polariron exchange
7. All vapors, water and heat generated from the plant are considered to be used.
8. The side tanks are under consideration, so we can keep producing non-stop while changing products.
Note: This tree is made according to custom design. Not all features are offered with all designs. Actual configurations should be made under the signed contract or agreement.