Thiết bị và công nghệ sản xuất xi măng - Denmark
Equipment and technology for cement production – Denmark
Product technology
We lower your total cost of ownership by providing more sustainable, cleaner, safer and more eco-efficient technologies.

Research and development is part of our research and product evaluation in which key activities include scientific and technical research and continuous evaluation of new technologies and concepts. Our efforts focus on research and development of high reliability and availability technical solutions with minimal environmental impact and lowest life cycle costs.

FLSmidth's R & D activities take place globally in various centers of excellence. Our Denmark testing center in Denmark is the largest cement industry with laboratories and pilot facilities for new and existing plants. FLSmidth also collaborates with leading universities and research institutes in Denmark, Egypt and Russia.

FLSmidth has a record of product innovation and technology, which has been a pioneer in the cement industry for more than a century. FLSmidth is constantly pursuing innovation to meet the global challenges that customers are facing. In addition to CO2 emissions, some of the long-term environmental challenges for the cement industry are energy efficiency, water consumption and toxic dust emissions.
The spin-off benefit from the client's manufacturing plant is that it allows us to shorten the 'creative loop'. As a factory operator, FLSmidth has real-time web-based experiences, such as product or process inefficiencies or potential improvements that can be directed to the innovation center. we.

eHighlights Cement is the online edition of our featured print magazine. Here the articles are enriched with videos, animations, pictures and links to relevant material.