Car production, factory supplied by Austria
Austria - Provide equipment and technology

Automotive industry
Automakers are making fundamental changes to their assembly and assembly plants to better meet the growing demand for custom features and options. B & R's scalable solutions and advanced technology provide the perfect platform to integrate machines and assembly lines quickly and seamlessly.
Our broad portfolio of products and solutions not only includes personal computers but also entire production lines. Always keeping up with the latest industry trends, we provide advanced automation technology that maximizes productivity.

Machinery and production lines
In the B & R category, a wide range of products and solutions can be found not only for machinery but also for the whole production line. In line with the industry's latest market trends, we offer the most advanced technology in automation to achieve maximum efficiency on the plant floor.
Machinery and production lines
In B & R category, a wide range of products and solutions can be found not only for machinery but also for the whole production line. In line with the industry's latest market trends, we offer the most advanced technology in automation to achieve maximum efficiency on the plant floor.
Cover the car
The tendency to make changes to the regular design of means means that machines to create all metal body shapes and shapes must quickly adapt to the transformation.
Increasing the model variants requires high flexibility in the production line and its systems. B & R is the ultimate automation provider with the scalable, scalable solutions that provide the highest levels of flexibility and compatibility.
With dedicated hydraulic control algorithms that are fully integrated in machine control and flexible and expandable hardware architecture, it is possible to attend the requirements of any presses and needle presses. species. With B & R you can even add a hydraulic shaft in a CNC with a high degree of precision, dynamic and synchronization.
All of the press, metal cutting, bending and rolling technologies are fully developed at B & R, ensuring maximum efficiency and usability of the production line.
B & R has the perfect solution for ...
One of the biggest challenges in the auto industry is the dramatic reduction in carbon emissions. This means that not only the machines and processes must save energy and optimize the performance, but also the end product must be eco-friendly.
Little pollution of the car under the limelight and no longer just a part of a future vision, but now every day. One of the most effective ways to reduce fuel consumption is to reduce the body weight of the vehicle without compromising its ruggedness against collisions and loads.
To do so, it is important to combine lightweight materials such as low density fiber and metal. To link these materials, welding and glueing technology is available at B & R with the help of robotic technology.
Offering the latest technological innovations and the highest expertise, B & R can always be in front of the market trend.
In the automotive assembly shop, may be nothing else. With scalable and flexible solutions, integrated hardware and high availability systems, B & R can meet the requirements of the assembly process.
The range of solutions provided by B & R is ready to bring the highest quality and performance to every part of the assembly shop with seamless integration between them, from conveyor and conveyor systems. Move to robot cooperation with human work.
B & R provides hardware and software solutions for the rapid and easy development of mechatronic machines with options that can easily meet the requirements of end users.
Servo motors with integrated drive: ACOPOSmotor
Servo motor with IP67 mounting: ACOPOSremote
IP67 and IP20 I / O, optional security modules: I / O modules X20, X67
Stepper motors: 80MP and ACOPOSmicro
B & R provides machine builders a comprehensive selection of motors. The concept of General Motion Control (GMC) allows the development of software independent of the engine. For each mechatronic module in a machine, OEMs can choose which solution provides the greatest amount of freedom, thereby saving time, resources and money.

Paint car
To provide a final product with the highest quality standards, a wide range of B & R solutions are available in the Paint Technology. As quality standards increase, automated processes must also evolve and innovate daily with the use of robots, precision cameras for visual inspection and meticulous environmental control.
B & R improves the efficiency of machines and systems by combining CNC, robotics and motion control into a single software platform called Generic Motion Control (GMC). One feature that makes GMC unique is that it can be used for all types of drives, including hydraulic drives and servo technology. GMC seamlessly integrates into the machine application, allowing it to be customized for specific tasks. GMC's flexibility also allows for easy integration of the existing dialects of CNC and robotics.
CNC and Robotics at B & R
Unified CNC, Robotics and Motion Control
All types of drives
Integrated safety technology
Interact seamlessly with the application engine
Integrated CNC localization and robotics
Inspection and quality control
In order to ensure perfect final product, it is necessary to ensure that the quality control and inspection procedures are automated with advanced technology.
With B & R, it is possible to get the highest quality assurance without compromising on productivity. In a demanding market such as the automotive industry, inspection and quality control can not be estimated sub- to avoid large-scale recall and post-sales quality review. Not only ensure the quality of the products but also ensure the quality of the processes.
With B & R, system diagnostics and predictive maintenance are seamless and easy to operate.
In-Sight 7000 vision system from Cognex is perfectly integrated in the B & R automated architecture through POWERLINK. The Cognex-Connect ™ communication module makes it easy to develop even the most demanding visual applications and integrates them into the B & R automation solution. B & R logic and motion profiles.
Castings and motors
With a range of solutions designed to engage the metal industry, B & R can provide all the top levels for molding and engine technology of engines, blocks, turbochargers, shaftshafts and more. that's it.
Combined with advanced technologies in casting, rolling, machining, robots and CNC, B & R ensures optimum performance and results to produce the highest quality metal products in the Power Train.
B & R improves the efficiency of machines and systems by combining CNC, robotics and motion control into a single software platform called Generic Motion Control (GMC). One feature that makes GMC unique is that it can be used for all types of drives, including hydraulic drives and servo technology. GMC seamlessly integrates into the machine application, allowing it to be customized for specific tasks. GMC's flexibility also allows for easy integration of the existing dialects of CNC and robotics.
CNC and Robotics in B & R. Unified CNC, Robotics and Motion Control
All types of drives. Integrated safety technology. Integrated CNC localization and robotics
Technology testing
A huge trend in the automotive industry is to significantly reduce the vehicle's life cycle. This means that the development time of a new model is shortened and it must be as effective as possible. Because prototypes really take too long to produce, more and more designers and engineers are using simulation software to schedule development.
B & R provides a wide range of mathematical modeling tools with automated and controllable environments that integrate theory with practice. Simulation based on computer modeling techniques of the features being developed helps to arrange the software with mechanical design very early in the development process.
These models are based on data from kinematic dynamics simulations of individual components or entire modules in CAD systems used by mechanical engineers.
By removing the barriers between the engineering disciplines, Auto Studio 4 helps you optimize your development workflow and further accelerate your marketing time. A two-way interface with the leading EAD ECAD database engine, EPLAN Electric P8, helps synchronize your electrical and hardware configurations to avoid overexploiting or inconsistent data. Support for the EPLAN database platform is also provided by other tools commonly used in the field of machine and system engineering, meaning that it is just as easy to integrate the MCAD design and Plans for hydraulic and pneumatic components. Automated Studio 4 allows you to import the entire hardware structure directly from the EPLAN Electric P8, including corresponding I / O map data and process variables and arrange them in two dimensions.
Components and materials
It can be said that the automotive industry is a combination of other industries because it consists of a series of processes and components that are assembled and combined to produce a vehicle. B & R has advanced solutions for the production of plastics, textiles, wood, glass, electronics and many other industries involved in the vehicle production chain.