Bán đất doanh nghiệp tại đường 5 mới-Hải Phòng.
Giá : 8.000.000 VND/m2 x 7000 m2 = 56 tỷ VND
Tài sản trên đất cho không miễn phí bao gồm :
Đất mua thêm của dân 2000 m2 .
Diện tích các nhà xưởng 2000 m2.
Toà nhà văn Phòng Bê tông kiên cố 236 m2 x 2 tầng.
Các vật kiến trúc khánh trên đất
Dư Kim Sơn : ĐT 0903446210

Get EPC (Turnkey) general contractor for industrial projects Production of goods.

Our company has a long history of collaborating with the world's leading experts in the construction of projects for various industrial plants.
All of our products :
- Factories: belong to the 4.0 generation
-Equipment and technology provided by the world's leading corporations.
-System, (Automation) at the highest level: Provided by US + European & Japanese corporations.
-International leading consultants will be at your work.
-You can rest assured to give the project to us: You will have a factory of the 4.0 generation, or according to Europeans (The factory turns off the lights - No workers).
- When your products are launched on the market, they will be at the top of the world.

Please note: Before proceeding to build the project, you must balance financial issues. Below we give you a formula as follows for you to balance your finances before proceeding:
-Factory investment: European equipment + Technology + G7 – Factory value usually accounts for 30% to -35% of sales revenue of 01 year.
-Factory investment: Equipment + Taiwan + Korea - Factory value usually accounts for 25% to - 30% - Sales of products of 01 year.
-Factory investment: Equipment + China - The value of the factory usually accounts for 20% to - 25% of the sales revenue of 01 year.

Strategic and core issues:
Industrial Development for Vietnam
The writer of this article has been involved in many things: Buying and selling new equipment and production technology from abroad, installing in the VN market. Through that, we know: Deadly gaps for the market: Industry and technology in Vietnam. (The person who wrote this article, has been shepherding for more than 20 years, I don't know if I will write it down, if I write it down, will the people with power and money at VN whether they will listen to me. Well, just write it down so that my conscience and soul can be at peace.
I-Resistance of the CN market:
1-In Vietnam today, there are many industrial industries in which Vietnam has complete advantages, developing it brilliantly, especially manufacturing industries.
(Input materials for other manufacturing industries). But it is lacking a leader, raising the flag: Industry development investment in Vietnam. (In the next post, I will have a more in-depth article on: Industries industries that Vietnam has advantages to develop).
2-Private economic groups in Vietnam today, have a relatively large economic potential. But each one has an array, a large number, they are still struggling with Real Estate. They have not really realized the potential of industrial development in Vietnam.
3-A very large amount of finance, and also very helpless, do not know where to invest to make a stable profit: That is idle money in the people.
4- It is necessary to create a precedent: FDI flows from abroad into Vietnam, instead of them starting to build factories by buying the right to control the existing factory
II-Vietnam Industrial Development Roadmap.
1-The State urgently needs to establish an KT Group named: VIETNAM INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENT GROUP.
-Total charter capital: 10 billion USD - State holds 30%. Private economic corporations hold 70%.
- Inside the Group, need staff: (Institute for Investment and Development of Industry - VN).
In the institute, the staff of leading scientists in economics and technology, including foreigners, works.
2- Principles of the corporation's operation:
-Fast construction of factories: High technology, VN has advantages.Fast sale of 100% factory capital, (with profit). Through VN and international stock markets. Priority is given to pre-orders of domestic and foreign economic organizations.
-Factories built up: Equipment and technology lines, must be purchased from industrialized & technologically developed countries (Pay attention to the percentage of localization to reduce costs). Must demonstrate the advantages of Vietnam, when investing.
3-Criteria on products of the corporation (factories) built up, need to achieve: Modern technology, Vietnam has advantages, investment costs are at the lowest possible level. Output products are competitive in the world market.
Finally, it must be proved: Each factory after 03 years of operation, the profit is enough to depreciate the entire factory.
4- The State must have the best mechanisms and policies to create all conditions for
This corporation operates. (Within the legal framework).
Necessary: The State guarantees 03 years of the value of shares issued by the products of this group.
All projects implemented by this group, right from the time the first brick is laid, this factory is allowed to launch 100% of shares on the stock exchange for sale, without needing to wait until when in operation.
5-After the birth of this power group: The State, together with the leading economic corporations in Vietnam, need to create a great resonance for this group of people in the Vietnamese society. It must be the best channel for profit, attracting the most capital flows, for secondary investors VN&QT.
6-The extremely important role of this corporation for Vietnam: Because it has two characteristics: 70% is capital of private economic corporations and it earns profit per project, under the control. regulations and regulations of the state.
I believe because (Privately involved in management). Then all the economic projects of Vietnam, when they pass through their hands, will certainly not lose any money, the problem of corruption will be repelled. The big economic projects of the state, if you order through them, there is no broken story such as: Thai Nguyen Iron and Steel-Ethalon Gasoline-Chemical Fertilizer-Cat Linh Railway-Cane Factory-Vinashin-Vinaline.vv..
Finally, it is necessary to create a precedent: This corporation, starting to build, wherever a factory is, it is also when they sell 100% of the shares of the factory.
III Some examples, demonstrating the anti-claims of the PT-CN market in Vietnam.
1-2010 SMS-GmbH Group (Germany) is a leading corporation in the world in terms of equipment sales and production technology transfer to many countries around the world. They discovered that we specialize in trading. selling equipment and technology in Vietnam. They sent a team of experts of 3, many times flew to meet us, they wanted us to be the focal point (Convince guests) Specializing in convincing investors to develop the industry. in Vietnam.
-The first project, they transferred to us: Profile for the factory producing cast steel pipes - 80,000 tons/year. This is a modern factory, completely following 4.0 technology. With a factory with revenue: 1,200 billion VND/year, but only 15 engineers sit to operate, press the button. Please note, the market for cast steel pipes in Vietnam currently depends on imports. Vietnam has no factories. At the time of 2010, according to our calculation: The price of the entire factory, the key to the hand is 22 million EURO, the investor will completely depreciate the factory within 18 months.
-The 2nd project they transferred to us is: Railway factory.
(High grade steel, according to the latest technology of Europe). Output 120,000 tons/year. The price of the handshake key is: 25 million EURO.
Before flying back to Germany, the head of the delegation (Fran-Salomon) told me: If any investor invests in a railway factory, they acquire the contract to supply the entire track for the railway project. North-South high-speed iron, they will make several billion USD from this factory is feasible.
God!.We are just a small, small business, not equal to the nostrils of an average business in Vietnam, how can we reach people, have enough power and money, to persuaded them to carry out the above 02 projects. We had to regretfully put the above 02 projects in the closet.
2-Vietnam is fully qualified to become a powerhouse in the production and export of clean raw aluminum.
-The price of clean aluminum on the world floor is about 2000 USD/ton = 46 million VND/t.
-The input material for the aluminum electrolysis plant is: Al2O3 aluminum oxide powder, it is produced in Nhan Co and Tan Rai, annually supplied to the market is 1.4 million tons, with a selling price of 350 USD/ton. about 8 million VND/ton.
The core problem here is, to produce 01 ton of clean aluminum, the input needs to be consumed: 13.7 MGW/hour of electricity x 2000 VND/ Kw/hour = 27.4 million VND.
So back to the very simple problem, who can buy cheap electricity, that person can invest in better clean aluminum production.
Recently I learned that all private hydropower plants in Vietnam must sell electricity to EVN for 1,100 VND/Kw/hour.
So if, the state approves the mechanism: Allowing aluminum factories to be located next to private power plants. The two sides agree on the price of electricity purchase and sale, then Vietnam's aluminum production industry will develop brilliantly. resplendent and glorious.
3-Why not invest in a factory producing titanium oxide TiO2 powder:
Through the process of learning about the TiO2 powder market and its production technology, we have some statistics as follows:
-In Vietnam, the amount of titanium ore concentrate is 53%, which is supplied by titanium mines to the Chinese market about 01 million tons/year. The selling price in Vietnam is about 3 million/ton.
-The price of 1 ton of 98% TiO2 powder on the TG floor is about 2000 to 2500 USD/ton. The market for selling TiO2 powder is very wide, covering the whole world.
Invest in a TiO2 powder factory with an output of 120,000 tons per year, about 150 million USD.
Its 1-year revenue and profit are:
120,000 tons x 2000 USD/ton = 240,000,000 USD (Revenue)
Its profit is 25% revenue = 60,000,000 USD/01 year
The above are 03 examples I give, to demonstrate the resistance of the industrial development market in Vietnam.
Through the above analysis, I very much wish that, coming here in Vietnam, there will be forces: strong enough in power and financial resources, they will raise the banner of investment and industrial development for Viet Nam, if they do well. Hey, I believe that one day they will be stronger than any multinational corporation in the world, because behind them, is a very large group of secondary investors of Vietnam. and QT, following them, is the whole Vietnamese people, ready to follow them with one accord, because they bring benefits to all Vietnamese people and to this nation.
Yu Jinshan
ĐT ;0903446210
Finally, I have a wish: This article, I will disseminate it widely on the internet, I hope that those with special conditions, please pass it on to the Prime Minister and the Central Economic Research Institutes.
Letter from Vietnam Business Magazine to us
Thank you for emailing the editor.
The problem you raise is also one of many other problems in our economy
Can you write more about the casting steel pipe factory, technical level, consumption power, potential of Vietnam...
The magazine is looking forward to receiving many articles with high technical content in it, but within the framework of an article, the journal also needs more specific parameters.
The magazine is very pleased if you have specific cooperation
Our letter responds to Vietnam business magazine
To: Vietnam Business Magazine.
Thank you for your feedback.
I would like to talk in-depth about the steel casting factory as follows:
1-At the time of 2010: The German team of experts told me that: Currently, we know that in Vietnam today, the Chinese side, they have brought some equipment and technology to Vietnam. Producing welded steel pipes, (ie coiling and then welding), this is a very outdated technology, not qualified to be put into the Oil and Gas industry and some other industries. But they bought our equipment and technology (Germany) and produced the cast steel pipe in China. Currently, they have bought from us up to 08 factories, located in different provinces.
2-At the present time, the following industries: Petroleum-Shipbuilding-Other industries, still have to use imported cast steel pipes. Recently, Hoa Phat has built a steel pipe factory, I have not followed up. don't know anymore.
3-Efficacy problem of Cast Steel Pipe Factory ; (at the present time)
-Cost to buy steel billet (According to the specified mark): 11,000 VND/Kg
-The cost of electricity and labor for production: 2,000 VND/Kg
-Selling price of cast steel pipe in Vietnam market 18,000 VND/Kg
-So the profit of 1 Kg of SP is 5,000 VND/Kg
-So the profit of a steel casting factory 7000 tons/month - 84,000 tons/year is:
- profit. : 35 billion VND/month & 420 billion VND/year
- So based on the above data. We have enough basis to affirm: Steel pipe factory will be depreciated in 18 months.
*The last thing we want: Instead of epic Real Estate projects (Building houses and selling houses). Government of Vietnam & leading private economic groups in Vietnam. Need to put their heads together : Establishing VIETNAM INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENT group.
(Fast construction and quick sale of high-tech factories). I believe, secondary investors and stock market, they don't hesitate to put their money, invest in factories, when they know for sure, these factories will be depreciated within 18 months to 3 years.
Best regards.
Dư Kim sơn
Trân trọng
Mr. Dư Kim Sơn.
ĐT : 0903.446.210
Land next to the river - For business

Company land: (No longer in need of use)
Enterprise land for 50 years (The land rental has been paid for 25 years.
Address: (Truc Thanh - Truc Ninh - Nam Dinh)
Total land area: 14,000 m2
The total length of contact with the surface of the Big River (Nam Dinh) is :110 m.
Price: 500,000 VND/m2 = 7 billion VND

Company land: (No longer in need of use)
Business land for 30 years.
Address: (Nam Tan - Nam Sach - Hai Duong)
Total land area: 8,000 m2
The total length of contact with the surface of the Big River is :170 m.
Price: 600,000 VND/m2 = 4.8 billion VND


Hồ sơ đất
(Dai Son Nam Joint Stock Company) We are currently developing a project:
Established production plant: Sodium Silicate (Dry) – 18,000 tons/year.
- Located at: Nam Dinh
1-Total project and charter capital: 120 billion VND
2- Calling for, outside investors to contribute: 60 Billion VND, holding 50% of the shares. Used for: 30 Billion VND for construction of plant infrastructure + 30 Billion VND as working capital for the factory.
3- Our side contributes: VND 60 billion, holding 50% of the shares, with assets including:
- a, Complete equipment system - Sodium Silicate Production Line (Dry): 18,000. tons/year. (Designed in China – Made & Made in Vietnam. Worth 40 billion VND
- b, Land for factory construction at: (Nam Dinh) 20,000 m2. Value: 20 billion VND
(Land for 50 years, paid annually. River frontage 157 m for wharf, if need to expand, we can buy more next door).
Price of Silicas (Dry grain): 12 million VND/ton.
Profit after tax usually reaches: 3 million VND/ton
If investors, find the above project to be feasible and profitable, please contact us immediately to register the amount of shares you contribute. Please note that we also mobilize within 50% of the shares. .
Director of Dai Son Nam Joint Stock Company
Du Kim Son
Tel: 0903446210

(output: 15,000 tons/year-In Nam Dinh)
Investor: Dai Son Nam Joint Stock Company
I-Introduction of the project:
1-Project name: Sodium Silicate Factory (Dry):
2-Location of NM: (Nam Dinh). (20,000m2)
3-Total investment capital: 120 billion VND
II-Details of capital use:
a-Cost (Land) for factory construction: VND 20,000,000,000,000
b-Cost, equipment, production line: 40,000,000,000 VND
c- Factory infrastructure construction cost: 30,000,000,000 VND
d-Operating capital when the factory goes into production: 30,000,000,000 VND
Plus: 120,000,000,000 VND
III-Financial arrangement plan
1-Dai Son Nam Company has its own capital in items a and b: 60 billion VND
2- Borrowing from financial institutions, (Mid-term), at the items: c + d is: 60 billion VND.
IV-Detailed explanation of main equipment and ground.
- 01. Complete equipment system - Sodium Silicate Production Line (Dry):: 18,000. tons/year.(Designed in China–Manufactured & Made in Vietnam. Worth 40 billion VND
-02. Land for factory construction at: (Nam Dinh) 20,000 m2. Value: 20 billion VND
IV- Equipment system, the whole factory.
At workshop I: 3,000 m2 (100 m x 30 m) (Belonging to construction cost)
1- 5 ton crane : 01
2-Trailer 1.25 tons : 01
3- Forklift 2 tons : 01
4- -Material weighing system with 3 hoppers: 01
5-Material mixer 1 ton: 01
6-Storage tank, 9 m3, waiting for transfer: 01
7-Equipment system: Ladle and automatically transfer VL to high warehouse; 01
8-The warehouse system is 100 tons high, synchronized with Vitme rods, feeding into the furnace.
9-Smelting Rotary Furnace (Liquid Sodium Silicates): 12.5 tons / 1 batch / 4 hours
10-Liquid Silicate Storage Furnace: 20 tons.
11-Grain Silicats Casting Machine, Chain Conveyor : 5 tons/hour
12- Finished product tank, 9 m3, waiting for transfer: 01
13-Equipment system: Ladle and automatically transfer VL to high warehouse; 01
14-The warehouse system is 50 tons high, serving for packing.
15-Packing machine 01 ton : 01
16- Fuel oil tank 30 m3 : 01
14-Workshop II: 1000 m2 (25mx 40 m) – Used as a warehouse for finished products.(Belonging to construction costs)
*Total value for all the above equipment is: 40 billion VND
V-Details of the construction design of the factory
1-Executive office building (10mx20m)x02 floors = 400 m2 : 3 billion VND
2-Transformer house: 560 KVA - 100 m2. 1 billion VND
3-Factory I: 3,000 m2 (100 m x 30 m): 6 billion VND
4-Factory II : 1000 m2 (25mx 40 m) : 2 billion VND
5- Fuel oil tank (Outdoor) 30 m3 : 1 billion VND
6-Wall system of 500 m: 4 billion VND
7-Pour the entire concrete yard: 20 cm thick - 10,000 m2 4 billion VND tỷ
8-wharf crane : 20 tons - 20 m : 4 billion VND
9-Building 104 m wharf 5 billion VND
Plus: 30 billion VND
Manpower to operate the factory:
- Total staff: 48 people
-Management: 12 people
- Direct workers: 36 people, divided into 03 shifts, each shift is 12 people.
- Average salary: 15 million VND/person/month/
-Total salary fund/month: 720 million VND/month (Min-revenue: 16 billion VND/month)
1 TC white sand 0.8 tons 1,600,000 VND
2 Fuel oil 110 Kg 1,500,000
3 Soda 200 Kg 2,000,000 VND
4 Electricity cost 300 Kw/hour 600,000
5 Labor cost For 01 ton 700,000 VND
Plus: 7,400,000 VND/ton
Analysis : (Operation + Revenue + Profit)/01 month
1-Oiler operation: For 01 batch of smelting
-Time is 04 hours / 1 batch: (02 hours of cooking + 01 hours of raw materials + 01 hours of casting). Each batch is 12.5 tons.(Every day 04 batches = 40 tons)
2- Profit before tax per ton of product is:
-11,000,000 VND/01 ton (Selling price) – 7,400,000 VND (Ex-factory price)=3,600.000 VND/01 ton Silicats.
Output will be: 1,500 tons/month.
3-The revenue per month is:
1,500 tons x 11,000,000 VND/ton = 16,500,000,000 VND/month
4- Profit before tax / 1 month: 1,500 tons x 3,600,000 VND= 5,400,000,000 VND
*Conclusion: The problem of profit of the factory for the investor is extremely potential. The distance and production capacity of the factory is very large. It completely depends on: The quantity (Sand + Soda) of inputs that can be purchased and the volume of products that the market can adapt and consume.
So Nam Dinh Silicate Factory, its products are input materials for many different production industries, including domestic and export markets.
V-Analysis: Economy - Market - Debt repayment ability
Sodium silicate is an indispensable ingredient in production for many different industries, not only for the Vietnamese market but also for manufacturers of ceramic tiles and ceramics in the world.
The main input materials are white sand and soda. The amount of white sand in Vietnam is endless.
Sodium Silicate Price in Vietnam and International Market : usually ranges from :
11 million VND to 12 million VND/ton.
Profit after tax usually reaches: 4 million VND/ton
The problem according to our calculations: When the factory comes into operation, the ability to bring profit to the investor: From 5 to 10 billion VND/month is completely feasible.
If you, investors, find the above project to be feasible, profitable, and can be financed for us, please contact us immediately to discuss the issue of signing a credit contract.
Director of Dai Son Nam Joint Stock Company
Du Kim Son
Tel: 0903446210